
Wellspring Roots

Ancestral Rememberance & Nature Connection

Ferns in Nature

Get to know me

I support people in the work of lineage healing, and remembering kinship with the more-than-human world.

Gold Sunrise in Natural Park, Dolomites

I come from a big, Irish American family deeply rooted in radical Catholicism. I am the oldest of five children, and so have been a caregiver joyously from a very young age. My parents, Terry and Anne Symens -Bucher, are the founders of an intentional community called Canticle Farm, in Lisjan Ohlone land. Their commitment to social justice and faith based activism profoundly shaped me and feeds my work in the world. I have always been fascinated by my personal ancestry, especially my Irish lineage and have spent many years of my life Irish dancing and singing. I have lived my whole life highly sensitive to the emotions and energy of others, including the more than human world. While this has been extremely challenging at times, it ultimately lends to my greatest gifts in the world; empathy, attunement, compassion, full aliveness, and commitment to support healing within myself, others, and the world. I have trained in Nonviolent communication (Leadership Program ‘08), The Work that Reconnects (since 2013) I am a 3 year graduate of the Weaving Earth Immersion Program (2013-2016), Family Constellation therapy (2016) and have been a rite of passage mentor and student of the Celtic mind and spirit for the last 8 years.

Family Constellations

Interested in moving stuck energy in your life? Did you know that the traumas of our ancestors and immediate family members can become trapped in the field or energetic constellation of a family? What does not get transformed, gets transmitted, and we can be carrying the burdens of our lineage out of unconscious love/loyalty. This modality does not involve the participation of your family members, in fact they never need to know about it at all, but can still benefit from the ripple of change in the energetic system. I am a trained FC facilitator through NLP Marin, and have been offering this healing work since 2016. Constellations can be done in person, with support from other participants representing your family members, or over zoom. They can take up to 3 hours and also involve a pre-constellation consultation call.

Sliding scale $275-$150


Do you long for a deeper, more embodied connection to nature and place? Want to know more about your local flora/fauna, mammals, and birds? Desire a more animate & intimate relationship with the more than human and spirit worlds? I offer one on one mentoring as a euro descended settler living on stolen land, to support other euro-descended people who long to be in authentic relationship with their lineage and their current place.

With a practice influenced by years of working with Joanna Macy and The Work that Reconnects, time in the Weaving Earth Immersion program, and 10 years living in intergenerational, interracial, interfaith community at Canticle Farm, I am well equipped to support you in the spiral of gratitude, grief, and reparation work that is ancestral remembrance. First session free, to see if we are a good fit.

Option 1: One hour long session online/in person

Sliding scale $150-$100

Option 2: Package of five in sessions online/in person

Sliding scale $600-$450


"Your offerings flowed directly from the universal source of spirit energy, ancestral wisdom and ancient magic. And this was such a profound gift! Throughout this class, I felt a familiar nudging to commit more deeply than ever to the path of soul remembering, healing, reclaiming and authentic connection. The time together was incredibly inspiring for me as a human, mother, wife, soon-to-be grandmother, and psychotherapist."

- Watering Our Roots Participant JR

Stone Path in the Nature

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